Networking Social or Not

There are definitely pro’s and con’s to social networking.  So it is important to manage how we network to increase its’ effectiveness for each one of us individually.

  • The difference between a social network and a social networking site?

Essentially, social media is a platform for broadcasting information, whereas social networking is a platform for communicating with one another. Social media is a communications channel, whereas in social networking, the communication has a two-way nature.

Researchers have identified some common themes around the use of networking as a life tool:-

  • Social networking can lead to real-life networking.

When you start sharing messages with people through your preferred social networks,  this can lead to new interactions in real life. It offers people a way to get to know one another on a personal level before a planned meeting or event. You can do some background research on their past, their work history, past-times or any other data they’re willing to share before meet face to face.

For professionals looking to build a network in real-life, social networking has advantages but it must be handled carefully to avoid some of the obvious (and not so obvious) pitfalls.

  • Social networking reduces feelings of loneliness.

Temporary workers, lone workers and entrepreneurs are at an increased risk of experiencing isolation and loneliness because of their reduced, sustained, work relationships. Using a social network helps people maintain their social ties, making it beneficial to use this platform to feel more connected. Social networking creates an improvement in the quality of communication received from others tool.

  • It acts as an effective communication tool during crisis situations.

We have seen the importance of social networking during the pandemic crisis.  This method of communication has brought people closer together worldwide.One public post can quickly reach millions, if not billions, of people when there is a crisis situation developing.

Social networking sites can also be useful in sending out proactive information about emergencies. This benefit makes it possible to improve safety on a broad scale.

  • Social networking can help people find new jobs.

Talent communities allow you to prove through the use of endorsements that you have the necessary skills for job openings. This process creates an opportunity where an interested employer might approach you for an interview because your profile looks too good to ignore.

Linkedin connects prospective employers and past colleagues that connect you by endorsements and personal connections. This social networking site has proved very important for people building their careers and professional networks.

  • Stay in Charge

You should be in charge of the social network and not reliant upon it to affirm who you are.  Staying in charge e.g. removing apps, staying off the network for a while, helps you to remain sure of yourself and not unduly effected by the content of such sites.

Once you share something on social media it is not always easy to delete it.

Many people have regretted posing an ill judged message only to find it cannot be withdrawn. Offensive posts can have a negative impact on your job opportunities.  Be careful how you use social media and think long term about the possible implications.

  • Social networking can lower productivity levels

Social networking can be a distraction in the workplace.  Many employers have Social Media policies to mitigate for the effect that continued use can have on productivity.  There is definitely a place for social media in the workplace and it does have usefulness for getting the message out there quickly.  Personal use however, can be a real distraction from the job.

  • It can affect your confidence

One of the real disadvantages around the use of social media is that the content can, if not controlled, begin to chip away at your confidence.

Facebook for example can portray unrealistic lifestyles that seem unachievable to you.  These comparisons can be harmful if they are not checked back into the ‘real world’ for their realism.

  • Not Enough Hours in the Day

A managed social network is a productive one.  If left uncontrolled, you will find yourself spending hours and hours checking your posts and updates. It can reduce your free time so that it affects your sleeping pattern and contact with friends and colleagues. When you remain in control networking media will provide you will many benefits.

  • Protect your Privacy

There are many ways in which social media can infringe upon your privacy.

Once you post something you have limited control around how that post will be shared.

The cookies on your computer gather information that is then distributed to advertising agencies for use in promoting products.

Protect your privacy and you can have peace of mind using your social networks.